Saturday, October 31, 2009
General Update
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Other News
EverQuest Update
General Update
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Star Wars Galaxies Update
EverQuest II Update
EverQuest Update
Legends of Norrath Update
Starting todays news with the biggest issue. LoN! SOE slated to remove ALL Oathbound (set 1) cards from the store and gameplay. I will no longer be able to complete scenarios on my alt's account for one thing. Plus my main deck is hosed. All my most important cards will be gone, Forge Ahead, Divine Aura, Intercession, Journey Boots, Flowing Black Silk Sash, Severed Paw of Opalla, Sunder, Disable, the list goes on and on. It'd be unheard of to remove Divine Aura from priests in EQ1 or EQ2 don't see why they think it's ok here!
Plus there's this new AFK nonsense. I had won round 1 today against silver ranked player. Was all excited. Lost round 2 horribly. But then missed round 3 due to rl stuff that came up. I cam rushing back for round 4 to discover I had been removed from the tourney. So what, I'm supposed to just ignore real life completely or else I'm screwed? I understand there's been a problem with afk'rs in the past but this is not a fix, this is breaking the game for the rest of us.
The worst part is probably that they refuse to respond. Pages of posts, tons of threads, maybe 1 in 50 people agree with them if that. NONE of the players that have been playing for years like or agree with the Oathbound ban. Hundreds of dollars of cards gone, useless, money out the window. Lots of players only really have Oathbound cards. This change is right up there in SOE's hall of monument failures like the sWG "new game experience" or Vanguard going 4 months from release with zones that still had NO MOBS. I dont' know what to think or say but everyone just getting more and more upset as time goes by without any info.
Speaking from past experiences they won't change it or pay any attention to the player base. They never do. They think they know what's right for us and that we're all wrong and will just come around to their point of view. This is not gonna happen. What they are about to do is alienate the large majority of players from tourneys and events.
This change will even make Santug Clugg and other holiday and special event cards banned. Why did we go out of our way to play on holidays to get these cards? And they're giving us no info or warning. They announce all this crap like 2 weeks before release when the next set is obviously already done and ready for release. Nothing we say is gonna stop them or make them change their minds now.
I for one may keep playing but I won't buy any new cards and I have no intention of buying cards or continuing to play the SWG-TCG as everyone knows this same thing will end up happening there. SOE really pushing their luck with pissing people off this time around.
General Update
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Portal 2
Arkham Asylum
Man I want this game. It looks so cool and I've always loved Batman games with all the gadgets lol. But I don't have the money or the time again this month so gonna have to wait, maybe till next year or till I see a really good sale.
Aion Update
Lord of the Rings Online Update
Love this game. Haven't been able to even login in like a week or two. Desperately wanting to level up my 2nd age Loremaster staff to 50 but I'll be damned if I know when.
Also, 2 expansions announced. Mirkwood apparently a free release Dec. 1st adding, well... Mirkwood Forest, duh! That ought to be cool as my toons heritage is a Mirkwood Elf.
And Riders of Rohan, adding Gondor, Rohan, possibly Isengard? and who knows what else. Date not announced, nothing announced, but Turbine purchased that name for web domain.
Level cap going up here too! Fuck, shit, damnit!
Legends of Norrath
Expansion 8 this month, bleh. Travelers. And like the rest of EQ there's far too much goin on at once. This month there's the regular scenario for Nights of the Dead, the God Tourney that gives 1 of 4 deity cards, no clue if these are avatars or a new type of card or what. Might be like an item slot for deity? Will have to see. Then there's the release events for the expansion itself which is always a huge cash drain. Which blows in Oct. when Halloween is coming and I have like nothing to wear!
And at some point I need to do the rest of these raids. Imzok has a shield I want and rl friend made special deck for it so I could get it and just haven't had time. Plus EQ2 raid zone Protector's Realm being added as a raid this month, like there's not enough going on.
EverQuest II Update
This is gonna suck ass monumentally! Next expansion the level cap is going up by 10! That means I'm gonna have two toons to re-max levels on. I can't even begin to express how unhappy I am about this shit right here.
The achievement / deed system here is kinda neat. Although inaccurate. It's already gone live.
Tons of pre-release live events naturally. Currently rebuilding even more of the Ulterean Spires. Part of Erollisi's Plane of Love (called Shard of Love in EQ2) was added. Kinda interesting since Plane of Love has yet to make it to EQ1. Why there are kos mobs in the Plane of LOVE though is beyond me. Not just kos but bad ass kill u quick heroic grouped mobs from hell.
As for Odus, this I'm a little excited over. Past due for them to add the last original missing continent. And with this out of the way the next expansion almost has to be Velious, but I'm getting ahead of myself lol.
Halas, announced to be the new good race player city. Um... all this time we've been told Halas was destroyed. The drowned Halasians can be found under the frozen icy waters of Everfrost. So, wtf, how exactly does this work?
And will Odus include only the early zones like Tox Forest, Paineel, Hole, Warrens, Erudin, Kerra Ridge and Isle. Or will they add TBS stuff like the Barren Coast and maybe even Katta? Well, doubt that heh. Although a decent underwater zone somewhere would be nice.
EverQuest Update
Too much goin on in both EQ's and LoN right now. As far as the original, they are still debating over the classic missions (which suck anyhow due to the fact that they're nothing like it really was). However, the items are really nice and have nostalgic names so naturally I want!
Got another week before guild votes yay or nay on me becoming a full member. Think that alone has me more stressed than anything.
Then there's the expansion, god let's not forget that. Like I'm really in the mood to go through all this expansion crap again. New focus target window thing will be awesome for healing I figure. Kinda reminds me of some other game but can't recall which... Wanna say Anarchy Online? or was it Guild Wars? or... well who the hell remembers lol. The new achievement system which they're adding (i.e. LotRO Deed type system) is a great idea for EQ2, but the fact that it's also being added to EQ1 is gonna suck since I know most of what I did years ago is not kept in the records of my toon. So it'll be inaccurate and stupid. Plus it's another gd UI window to deal with so bleh to the whole thing.
As for the plane of the Underfoot. New areas aren't so exciting these days. There's already like what a thousand zones? Granted this one really shoulda been part of PoP but we'll just have to see how they do this. I find it especially interesting that one of two entrances will be in the Hole and that the Hole is also being added with Odus to EQ2 with their next expansion. Will be interesting to see how much of what ends up in each game.
Star Wars Galaxies Update
Let's start here. Our city has been successfully moved to the new server. Farewell Lowca, it's been a fun six years and hello to Shadowfire. Seem a couple dozen people on this server so far which could be good or bad. Got all six of my toons and Wakela got her four moved. City already hit rank 2. Got all buildings down, guild restarted, all new items placed, tons of crap up for sale, etc. Pretty much good to go here. I hope my friends Ginon and Izuark are able to get on their accounts long enough to transfer over and join us before SOE deletes their toons in two weeks.
Lotta weird new game updates here too. Nothing I can say I particulary care for though lol. Oh well, keep reminding myself, until SW-ToR comes out this is the only Star Wars online game. So, yeah, it's Star Wars! Ignore the suck factor omg!
General Update
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Aion Update
Star Wars Galaxies Update
Monday, September 14, 2009
Aion Update
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Game Updates
Finally got invited to officially app. to Fates Unbroken. After a month of guest raiding to app to be an app. Yeah anyhow, was truly heartwrenching, tear jerking feeling to deguild from Stasis. Hope this all works out.
EverQuest II
Logged in expecting to get server discovery for this months EQ2 LoN scenario reward and for the second time now someone beat me to it and I finished in under five mins. from it's launch. So, not sure how this keep happening. Will try to track down if it's been the same person both times when I get up the willpower to deal with the eq2players site from hell.
Legends of Norrath
Think I may finally have found a workaround for the priest light quest deck vs. cloud elemental issue. More on this as it develops.
City of Heroes / City of Villains
Haven't done much here in months. Every 21 days I was logging in my toons to get their day job badges, temp powers and accolades then moving them to a new spot for next day job. But I even got too lazy to do that and it's been probably two months or so now. Still one of the best games ever but I just haven't had the time or motivation lately with recent events in other games.
Lord of the Rings Online
Getting bored finally. Was so hooked for some time. Then those that I know that play became bored and either quit playing or just play and are as bored as me lol. Main toon maxed on level, available gear, all 3 crafting things in her vocatiion. Alt. fun to play but content not so fun second time through. So that's kinda a pita. And all my toons are like prema broke. I barely have the silver for rent, repairs, and transportation like ever.
Star Wars Galaxies
I'm just about as done with this game as I'll ever be at this point. I kept the guild and city alive for years holding the same area of land on Naboo. Logged in the other day for my monthly vendor restock and they deleted ALL my vendors, all items on them too including some rare can't even get in game anymore items. Not to mention more than 10 full factory runs of synth cloth crates. I respec'd trader from tailor to engineer so can't even make more schematics for those. And the worst part is the many HOURS I spent creating deleting and recreating vendors till I got ones that looked how I wanted them. AND, they had on old pre nerf'd Imperial uniforms that you use to get from faction vendors that don't exist anymore either. That's just about the last straw. I don't know why they keep updating this game so massively. Adding dozens of new droids and droid parts, and all new buildings with windows you can actually see out of to see friends approaching on their speeders... err that would be IF ANYONE STILL PLAYED THE GAME! Wake up SOE! They get rid of the Matrix online yet they keep SWG and Vanguard and Pirates of the Burning Crap? ooook
Purchased pre-order of Aion on Steam cause mesa like Steam more than disks that take up space get lost and are basically tangible breakable things destined to become an issue at some point while digital media takes up no physical space and can be reaquired within a few hours no muss no fuss (usually heh). Hello... run on sentence. Anyhow, hope game doesn't suck lol. I just want to fight while in flight.
Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic
Finally got off my lazy ass and bought this classic game. Odd for such a Star Wars fan to go so long without one of the best rated Star Wars games of all time when I have so many other Star Wars games. Anyhow, yeah downloading it now.
General Update
Attempting to make text easier to read with bullets, indents, bold, and's not working.
Changing many of the links to individual pages to link now offsite to actual game profiles or character pages instead so that I do not have to update 20 or more pages all the time and can just update this one page. This not really feesible for most SOE games as the sites really don't list all my toons from all accounts in one place like NCSoft games or even Magelo.
Adding dynamic or what I call semi-dynamic sigs for various non-newbie toons to bottom of page, probably below news unless that looks tacky then might move it above news. This remains to be seen. dynamic sigs are ones that either update automatically as you play your toons or are updated through an application such as magelo or titan network tracker glycerine, or the like. What I call semi-dynamic are ones that have updated info but aren't done automatically, they have to be recreated manually by me when changes take place. These are mostly limited to Lord of the Rings Online at this time thank goodness.
Huge amount of news today since this is mostly my first entry am clarifying my position in several games at this point in time.
I've only decided to add all this info to this page because apparently I've made more of a name for myself across the mmo world(s) than I thought as I see one blog that simply says I don't do blogs has 140something views and it's like one sentence. And a couple other things I've had up have also received vies and visits in the several hundred. So, on that note, I've come to the conclusion that someone somewhere seems to find what I'm doing, which is mostly nothing, interesting. Hence the section YOU are now reading.
Friday, September 11, 2009
General Update
Added new section "UPDATE NOTES & NEWS"!
Removed old section "Krystae's Top 100 Games" for two reasons. One, I never got past 22. And two, the top ten changed every couple days with my mood. This section to be readded at a later date...a much later date.