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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Legends of Norrath

Expansion 8 this month, bleh. Travelers. And like the rest of EQ there's far too much goin on at once. This month there's the regular scenario for Nights of the Dead, the God Tourney that gives 1 of 4 deity cards, no clue if these are avatars or a new type of card or what. Might be like an item slot for deity? Will have to see. Then there's the release events for the expansion itself which is always a huge cash drain. Which blows in Oct. when Halloween is coming and I have like nothing to wear!

And at some point I need to do the rest of these raids. Imzok has a shield I want and rl friend made special deck for it so I could get it and just haven't had time. Plus EQ2 raid zone Protector's Realm being added as a raid this month, like there's not enough going on.