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Thursday, October 1, 2009

EverQuest II Update

This is gonna suck ass monumentally! Next expansion the level cap is going up by 10! That means I'm gonna have two toons to re-max levels on. I can't even begin to express how unhappy I am about this shit right here.

The achievement / deed system here is kinda neat. Although inaccurate. It's already gone live.

Tons of pre-release live events naturally. Currently rebuilding even more of the Ulterean Spires. Part of Erollisi's Plane of Love (called Shard of Love in EQ2) was added. Kinda interesting since Plane of Love has yet to make it to EQ1. Why there are kos mobs in the Plane of LOVE though is beyond me. Not just kos but bad ass kill u quick heroic grouped mobs from hell.

As for Odus, this I'm a little excited over. Past due for them to add the last original missing continent. And with this out of the way the next expansion almost has to be Velious, but I'm getting ahead of myself lol.

Halas, announced to be the new good race player city. Um... all this time we've been told Halas was destroyed. The drowned Halasians can be found under the frozen icy waters of Everfrost. So, wtf, how exactly does this work?

And will Odus include only the early zones like Tox Forest, Paineel, Hole, Warrens, Erudin, Kerra Ridge and Isle. Or will they add TBS stuff like the Barren Coast and maybe even Katta? Well, doubt that heh. Although a decent underwater zone somewhere would be nice.