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Saturday, September 12, 2009

General Update


Attempting to make text easier to read with bullets, indents, bold, and's not working.

Changing many of the links to individual pages to link now offsite to actual game profiles or character pages instead so that I do not have to update 20 or more pages all the time and can just update this one page. This not really feesible for most SOE games as the sites really don't list all my toons from all accounts in one place like NCSoft games or even Magelo.

Adding dynamic or what I call semi-dynamic sigs for various non-newbie toons to bottom of page, probably below news unless that looks tacky then might move it above news. This remains to be seen. dynamic sigs are ones that either update automatically as you play your toons or are updated through an application such as magelo or titan network tracker glycerine, or the like. What I call semi-dynamic are ones that have updated info but aren't done automatically, they have to be recreated manually by me when changes take place. These are mostly limited to Lord of the Rings Online at this time thank goodness.

Huge amount of news today since this is mostly my first entry am clarifying my position in several games at this point in time.

I've only decided to add all this info to this page because apparently I've made more of a name for myself across the mmo world(s) than I thought as I see one blog that simply says I don't do blogs has 140something views and it's like one sentence. And a couple other things I've had up have also received vies and visits in the several hundred. So, on that note, I've come to the conclusion that someone somewhere seems to find what I'm doing, which is mostly nothing, interesting. Hence the section YOU are now reading.