Game was pretty fun. Nothing overwhelmingly challenging. Usual humor that comes with the LEGO style movie & tv show based games. LOTS of unlockable characters. Pretty much every Clone Wars character from the first couple seasons and most of the major classic characters. Has a few that unlock with play coins. Play coins are earned by accumulating steps. For each 100 steps you walk between midnight and midnight (steps don't carry over into the next day) you get 1 coin. It doesn't count right either. It counts maybe 1 step for every 5 or so actual steps. Pretty weird. But with the coins you can unlock Grand Moff Tarkin, Admiral Akbar, Boba Fett, Darth Vader (battle damaged), and a couple others.
Has some fun mini games, vulture shootout, saberball, astromech volleyball, snowball fight. Also has wifi streetpass mode that helps you accumulate play coins by passing other people with this game.
The 3D is amazing, it looks like you have little LEGO people running around inside the screen like you're looking through a window into a small 3D world. There are a few scenes, mostly the things close up to the screen during cutscenes, where it is out of focus and blurry. Replayed them thinking it was my eyes or I was tired but they are in fact out of focus. Not enough to be significant enough to even be annoying but it was just something I noticed.
You can make 2 customizable characters from parts of various characters that you unlock. However, sadly, you can NOT use all the parts from all the characters you unlock nor can you use many of them for the starting base character. Specifically there are no female sith usable in character customization. And there are no bounty hunters with jetpacks that are usable. The big letdowns were not being able to use parts or base style of Asajj Ventress or Cad Bane. Customizable characters serve no real purpose anyway though. My advice would be just select Ventress as your main character cause she seems way overpowered and extremely fast, plus as a sith she can activate any sith or jedi panel.
Unlike previous LEGO Star Wars games all the characters you unlock do not show up in your main hub (what was the cantina in previous versions). It instead picks about 2 to 3 characters per room randomly from all the ones you have unlocked. Loads up new set of characters each time you play or reenter the hub from a mission or mini game. It does choose these characters from both the ones you unlock in the shop and the ones that unlock through beating levels in story mode.
There's 83 characters unlockable at the shop. 112 total playable characters. And 2 slots for customized characters. These characters are divided into various types needed to activate different objects in the game. There is Jedi, Sith, Bounty Hunter, Separatist, Astromech Droid, Light Gunner, Heavy Gunner, and Shorty. Most of the main characters are combinations of at least 2 of these types. For example Yoda is both a Jedi and Shorty. Count Dooku is both a Sith and a Separatist. In order to collect all the mini kits and red bricks in free play mode you will need to have one each of the main types in order to reach various areas. Once you've unlocked at least one Sith and one bounty hunter and one astromech droid, etc. it will automatically make your group have 1 of each type needed regardless of who you pick as your main. Therefore I sugged picking the strongest character you can for you main because when you zone or change acts in a level it will start you off with the main character you choose and often times you'll be under attack at the start. One point to note is that a Sith can open anything a Jedi can but not the other way around. The main classes are used as follows. Jedi can move or affect anything with a green glow. Sith can move or affect anything with a red glow. Both Jedi and Sith can activate the jump panels. Only a separatist can activate the separatist control panel. Likewise only a bounty hunter can activate a bounty hunter terminal and only an astromech droid can activate a droid panel. Bounty hunters are also needed to blow up special areas with thermal detonators that nothing else will damage. Various characters have jet packs. To activate a jet pack though you need to double jump. An astromech is the only one that can hover straight across without changing their z-axis making them capable of getting where others can't. Only a shorty can fit into a small wall doow passage (they look like pet doors). A light gunner is needed to sharp shoot both switches and certain mobs or structure's weaknesses. Light gunners also can swing across areas or pull things with their grapple lines. A heavy gunner is needed to both blow things up and to shoot through anything redish orange and armored.
Also at the shop you can unlock such powers ups as fast build, auto collect, funny jump, unlimited missles, vehicle weapon powerup, 2x score, 4x score, 6x score, 8x score, 10x score and those are stackable (you can have them all active at once). Couple others as well.
Controls, like most of the 3DS games from what I can tell, have switched away from using the touch screen so much for main movement and such. Touch screen is almost unused in this game except to cut through doors and objects with your saber. All other controls have moved to the new analog pad and the buttons.
When you finally beat the game the ending credits go on for nearly 20 minutes and include programmers, skywalker sound, lucasfilm ltd., lucasarts, bmi music, and just an unreal amount of other people. Seemingly endless list.
Overall a good game, a tad easy, but both fun and funny. Worth the money. Good eye candy and music. I give it an 8.5 out of 10.
Next up is Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell 3D...
Complete list of playable characters and vehicles in LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (3DS) | |||
Obi-Wan Anakin Chancellor Palpatine Hondo Ohnaka Clone Trooper Battle Droid Count Dooku Senate Commando Asajj Ventress Mace Windu LEP Servant Droid Commander Cody Clone Pilot Nute Gunray Ahsoka Super Battle Droid Senate Commando Capt. Captain Rex | General Grievous Jango Fett Senate Guard Poggle The Lesser Battle Droid Pilot Barriss Offee Turk Falso Yoda Padme Cato Parasitti Cham Syndulla Chi Cho Faro Argyus Jaybo Hood Galactic Marine Bossk Mar Tuuk Numa | Chewbacca Aayla Secura C-3PO Riyo Chuchi Wullf Yularen MagnaGuard Genosian Jetpack Droid Onaconda Farr IG-86 Jar Jar Commando Droid Gonk Droid Nahdar Vebb Kit Fisto Clone Trooper (Heavy) R2-D2 TX-20 | Lok Durd Dr. Nuvo Vindi Wag Too Bolla Ropal Anakin (Snow) Thi-Sen Peppi Bow Clone Snowtrooper Gregar Typho Shahan Alama Jar Jar (Bombad) A4-D Stealth Trooper Clone Commander (Phase II) Weequay Pirate Senator Organa Genosian Zombie Clone Trooper Boil |
Clone Trooper Boil (No Helmet) Clone Trooper Waxer Clone Trooper Waxer (No Helmet) Advanced Recon Force Trooper Clone Gunner Wat Tambor Cad Bane Aurra Sing Obi-Wan (Snow) Plo Koon R3-S6 Clone Grunt Light Robonino Luminara Unduli Senator Philo Kashyyyk Clone Trooper Darth Maul Darth Sidious | Darth Vader Ewok Gha Nachkt Han Solo Jawa Ki-Adi-Mundi King Katuunko Lando Calrissian Princess Leia (Slave) Luke Skywalker Old Ben Kenobi Stormtrooper Tusken Raider TIE Fighter Pilot Clone Trooper Jetpack Tub Grand Moff Tarkin Admiral Ackbar | Boba Fett Vader's Apprentice Darth Vader (Battle Damage) Savage Opress Customizable Character 1 Customizable Character 2 | Y-Wing LAAT Ahsoka's Starfighter Anakin's Starfighter Mini Snowspeeder Mini Imperial Shuttle Mini Republic Attack Cruiser Mini ARC-170 Starfighter Mini V-19 Torrent Mini Star Destroyer Mini Sith Infiltrator Mini Anakin's Jedi Starfighter Mini TIE Fighter Mini TIE Interceptor Mini X-Wing Mini Slave 1 Mini Millennium Falcon Darth Vader's TIE Fighter |