I love it.
Now, some more specifics. Tried to find and connect to a free public wifi hotspot at several locations and failed at all of them. Managed to get wifi hooked up at home though and it works great. The first update though only fixes wifi connectivity (which may be why I was having problems). The web browser, 3ds store, and entire nintendo wifi channel / club nintendo site and everything else related to the 3ds internet functions are still a no go. The big patch as they're calling it is due at the end of May. Scary part is I read some forums that say that patch will brick anyone's 3DS that's tried to use any form of flashcart... I tried, but it didn't work so I hope this doesn't apply to me. And I don't really believe the hype anyhow. I doubt they'd brick the 3DS's of their best customers knowing full well the amount of crap they'd have to contend with afterwards. I do expect that they will continue to make patches on a regular basis that will disable flashcarts and prevent them from being used on your 3DS. Which I then fully expect the flash cart companies to come up with a workaround lol. Hence, I'm putting off buyting that DSTWO card until later this summer. I want to see how this all plays out first. I know it works now, but... May need to wait for a future 3DS version that's designed to bypass all the stuff that will be added via wifi until then.
Here's something funny. This first patch, it said it is just to fix wifi connectivity AND to give us a free video. So now I have this free 3D video of a fairly crappy song with a bunch of dogs doing tricks and stuff to the music... in 3D. And here's the kicker, at the end of the video it says, "This video will be deleted with the next update" lmao. So wow, gee thanks for the free pointless thing you're gonna take right back...
One concern I had was the fact that the top screen is quite a bit larger and now in widescreen. Several of the old DS games had images lined up from the bottom screen to the top that required them to be that way for game play. For example, club games whatever that thing is called required you to slide or "toss" darts from the bottom screen to the dartboard on the top screen. Super Princess Peach also had some things like that if I recall, or was that Yoshi's Island DS... Anyway, I was glad to discover that it takes old DS games and makes the image the same size as the bottom screen so that it retains it's original layout even on the larger screen.
There's no rumble pak. I've mentioned that before but it's still a bit of a letdown since it has everything else imaginable.
The camera's megapixels are ass. It's like .32 megapixel. yes POINT. As in less than 1! Which would matter more if you could actually copy the pics in 2D at least to anywhere other than the DS but the DS can only display pics taken with it's own cameras and can't export it's pics to anywhere. So, that's kinda bogus for the camera function. However, it is still cool to have 3D pics and to put pics of people into games and such. Just keep your regular picture taking for normal purposes on your cel or digital camera.
Spotpass / Streetpass. I have yet to figure out what the difference is. One gives me a green light one a blue light when you receive things depending on which it is. Since I've still as of yet received NOTHING via either of these methods I wouldn't know. This is just a matter of not enough people having a 3DS or DSi and me not being in the right places to pick up other people. At some point I hope I pass at least one person for this to work at some point in my life.
The speakers are LOUD for old DS games yet not loud enough on my one 3DS game. Not sure if all 3DS games are gonna be like that or what the deal is with that. As for the old games, just have to turn the volume to half for any of them or else it's so loud it's distorted, not a big deal to turn down the volume, just an observation.
There's nowhere to attach a lanyard. I had a nice Nintendo logo lanyard made by Nintendo that was a limited edition thing and it was great on my DSlite but there's nowhere to put it on my 3DS. Had this same issue with my new cel. Why are all the electronics companies removing the lanyard hole? I like to have that so I don't drop it when my hand twitches from arthritis. And seriously, like why remove it? It's not like that little hole took up so much space. I can see plenty of spots they could've added one.
With all the graphics, increased volume surround sound, 3D, wifi, etc. it drains the battery pretty quick. And the car chargers have yet to make it to the U.S. Apparently there's been some issue with them getting out of Japan due to the disasters. I'm reading now though that the DSi and DSiXL adapters are in fact compatible with the 3DS. So, I may look into that.
The charging cradle is retarded and 100% unnecessary. Just thought I'd reiterate that.
The analog control is way, way nicer than the old d-pad, direction pad thing. Only thing is that the direction pad you can change from left to right or forward to backward faster by hitting the opposite side of the plus controller than you can by sliding the analog to the other side. But it rules for driving and moving in a 3D environment. Even though with old games it doesn't do full analog it just does the 4 main axis and the 4 diagonal ones, it is still far superior for controlling steering in games such as Mario Kart. Shame I have already beat all the levels and everything years ago and there's not enough people online globally anymore to get a race going. Going to be awesome when the new 3DS version of Mario Kart comes out.
And that brings me to the last point. 3DS rules, BUT, there's a LONG way to go. Most of it's internal software won't be added till the end of May via wifi and all the big titles people most want like Mario Kart 3D, Kid Icarus Uprising, Zelda Ocarina of Time in 3D and of course the Metal Gear, Metroid, Mega Man, Castlevania and other classic titles that will all be getting the 3D makeover at some point this year. Plus when they add the Netflix ability to steam and download movies to your 3DS in 2D and then start selling the actual 3D movies that will be a huge plus. Right now it's like the system has great potential, just lacking in "stuff".