I first noticed, as many did, when logging in for our guild raid in EverQuest. When the launchpad popped up it did not have the update bar or news or links or play button. It did not even have an "X" to close it. What it did have was this message in the middle of a black screen inside the launchpad:
"We have had to take the SOE service down temporarily. In the course of our investigation into the intrusion into our systems we have discovered an issue that warrants enough concern for us to take the service down effective immediately. We will provide an update later today (Monday)."
My first thought was of course that this was a bug or some glitch in my launchpad or something. After a minute or so it hit me what they were saying and that something had to be going on beyond my control.
My next immediate though was jump on facebook and post to my EQ friends if anyone knew what happened. Then I leaped over to our guild forum and found a thread going on with some sketchy info but more than what I had at that point. Apparently many people's credit card info had been stolen when someone hacked SOE. And supposedly everything Sony was down. I was like hmmm, that seems extreme. So I began to investigate for myself.
After running a few launchers and trying to login I confirmed that yes, all the SOE MMO's and online games were in deed offline. This includes for the PC; EverQuest, EverQuest II, Star Wars Galaxies, DC Universe Online, Planetside, Vanguard Saga of Heroes, Free Realms, The Clone Wars web based game, Legends of Norrath, Star Wars Galaxies Online Card Game, and at least 3 others I can think of but not remember the name right now. And with SOE still offline finding out would be more trouble than it's worth. Beyond that I discovered all their web services are down as well. Including EverQuestPlayers, EQ2Players, the SOE support sites, all linked forum sigs, all phone lines and support centers, everything. Apparently the entire PlayStation Network is down as well including all related online console games and websites.
To the normal person this doesn't seem like much I suppose. To the gaming world, specifically those playing MMO's / MMORPG's (massively multiplayer online role playing games) this is a first. Literally millions of people unable to access their accounts and in some cases over a decade of work online, in games, with friends. I myself have over six years of actual play time. As in the hours of actual playtime added together for all my characters across all the affected SOE games. That's over 2,200 days of playing, 52,500+ hours online. And that's a rough and conservative estimate, it's likely much more.
So, yeah, I'm a bit worried of what may happen. After what I've read I expect it will all be fixed in a few days. However, initially not knowing what was going on is enough to send an OCD gamer into a nervous breakdown!
For more info on the other things that have been going in my life outside of the gaming world (yes there is apparently such a think, who knew?) just hop on over to the other blog located here:
MOONWOLF (Krysta's Real Life Blog)