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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Guildless Again... "The Grey Hawke Cowardly Ninja Boot"

So, I got ninja booted without a word from my last EverQuest guild. Here's how it went from my side. No clue what went on in their heads before this childish and cowardly act.

Sunday I saw a message on facebook. These are usually good things so I was like oh cool and went to check it out. It was from a guildie. He was basically bitching at me for saying I didn't like the guild. That's what it boils down to.

After digging around through the friends I do still have in guild I discovered how this started. A few days earlier, in a private group, I told a long time friend that when the next expansion comes out we'll be 2.5 years and 10 level behind if we're raiding Underfoot still. That's a fact. Doesn't take a genius to know this. And I wasn't particularly meaning the guild. I was meaning everyone and anyone that is raiding Underfoot still will be that far behind. Again, a fact. I then commented that it really doesn't make a difference to me because I haven't won any loot in the over a year I've been in guild anyhow. Again, a fact. And a fact that everyone knows as I've mentioned it before on the guild forum and that started all kinds of ruckus. Somehow, that got out to someone somewhere. That person then misinterpreted that to somehow mean I hate the guild. Which I "DID NOT" at THAT point.

So, back to the facebook message. Somehow by the time this misinterpreted nonsense, which was all basic truth and fact that everyone already knows, got from person to person it got all twisted. The facebook message I got goes on to say something that I publicly said I didn't like the guild and was bitching about loot, which I was not, and it was NOT a public post to begin with. Then I was told I didn't care about the guild beating Audience. Which I find particularly amusing since I have NFC what that even is. I don't think I've ever done that event and don't have the first clue what the heck. I certainly never said I didn't care that the guild beat something I've never even heard of. Let alone I never knew we beat it since I never knew we did it. Anyway, I was confused at this point as to what the heck was going on.

Since I was already on facebook my first instinct was to go to the guild's facebook group page. Which I found I was no longer a member of... At this point I could see where this was going. Childish people are so predictable. So I went to the guild's website to the forums where I found, guess what? I had no access. So, the final check, like I didn't already know. I logged into game and found myself unguilded standing in the guild lobby.

Now, this is the part that really, REALLY pisses me off. It's not the previous issues. Not the loot. Not the progression. Not even them misunderstanding what I said in the first place. BUT, the fact that they booted me and NEVER once did a single officer or guild leader say a word to me. Not even a, "we don't like you anymore bye." NOTHING. I'm VERY easy to get in touch with btw. I had NO in game messages, no emails, no pm's on the guild forum, no im's, no facebook messages, NOTHING. I'm like seriously? I contacted some friends in the guild and no one had heard a word. That is THE single most cowardly, childish thing I have ever witnessed in my 11 years of playing MMORPG's.

I've led several guilds and raids. Was a guild leader of the biggest Imperial raiding guild on my SWG server for awhile. I led guilds in EQ1 briefly and extensively in EQ2 amongst other games. I would never think to boot someone without even sending them a message or something. I mean at the least I'd send an in game message bitching them out! But NOTHING? What kind of chicken shit stuff is that?!?

So at this point I'm not really mad, just sad that they are such poor excuses for people. I still have friends there and I hate to leave them behind. But I have friends in every guild on the server, GOOD friends. I already have offers to the four top raiding guilds that aren't the one I just left. Two of them aren't even recruiting druids and they still want me. I want to stick with one of the two guilds that started back on Prexus, screw Rathe guilds. And even though I have the most friends in CTV; Loyal Rebellion seems to best fit my raiding times and schedule.

As for Grey Hawke... Karma is a bitch, it'll come bite them in the ass, I don't need to even worry or do anything. They should change their name from Grey Hawke to Yellow Chicken after that cowardly, childish nonsense they pulled. But whatever, life goes on, they'll get theirs. There were several people that clearly never liked me being there anyhow, so they win. Grats. Have a good life.

Funny thing, I'm not that upset. I mean I'm Sicilian and Gemini. I should be shit kicking, screaming mad and I'm not. I'm just like whatever, another thing I gotta deal with now. When Stasis quit raiding I was devastated, never did get over that. When it happened again with Fates Unbroken I felt like my emotions towards the game died totally at that point. This time, I'm just blank, like I really don't care. /shrug Probably the best thing that could've happened! lol