So, my first night with them was their first win on the final Underfoot raid event, "The First Creation". Plus we did some HoT stuff and I got 2 progression keys (I assume that's what they were, clickies gave me achievement thingies /shrug lol) and I got a ring that was rotting. Pretty nice first night.
Tons of people in the guild I know. I knew I had a lot of friends there but it turns out there's more than I even realized. I do miss my good friends I leave behind in last guild but we will of course continue to be friends, just a bit sad. However, life goes on, and I refuse to think or dwell upon that stuff. Just staying focused on where I am now and what to do next.
As far as where I am now and what's next. Well, since the server merger I've been the lowest on the rankings I've ever been in 11 years. I see potential for hope now that I can make it back into the top 10 druids on the server. That's motivating. And we have the expansion coming. At first I thought this is a crappy time to be applying to a new guild, with the expansion coming. But now that I think about it, that's not a bad thing at all. All the time I spend leveling up those 5 new levels with my new guildies will allow them to know me better and hopefully increase my chances of them actually keeping me around.
And that's of course the one worry. I like them, but do they like, want or even need me? They have several druids. And not just any druids, they have at least 4 of the top 10 druids including number 1. I feel kinda like what use am I? But, I know them, most of them. I mentored Snavenor when he app'd to at least one if not two different guilds in the past. I was guilded with Lynienu and Edina in my last guild. Gillette from the years of us being in the top 10 of Prexus and all those expansions where everyone rushed to be max level and we were both in the first 5 more than once. So, I mean, I feel like I belong, for what that's worth.
Also, it's a different atmosphere being in a Prexus guild. I know that sounds weird but I've noticed it since the server merge, especially when grouping and leveling up with HoT. Rathe people are weird. I mean, they look at things differently, play differently, different terminology and strategy and everything. I never felt like I clicked with Rathe people. It's like they say stuff and I'm like what the heck are they even talking about. Then I crack some joke and no one gets it or laughs. I never had that happen in Prexus guilds or groups. So, I feel a strange sense of being relaxed with these people. I hope the feeling is mutual.
Not sure what else to say. Have only raided a couple times with them so far. Been a blast though. Getting to raid the Plane of Fear again with a Prexus guild is pretty nostalgic and badass! Even if it's an alternate version of fear and an instanced event and so forth, it's still so weird to be there with a raid force again. Couldn't make it tonight due to real life stuff going on but I can easily do the 60% requirement even in my most busy month of the year.
All I can do now is hope everything works out and they decide to keep me around for some reason. I mean I don't think they "need" me so much but at the same time I don't see how keeping me there would be any harm to anything. And far as I know everyone seems to like me. But then, I've been known to think people have liked me before and found out otherwise, the hard way... I have a good feeling about it though, so just gonna hope for the best.